How much longer do I have to save?

- in Nintendo

So I'm currently saving on a Nintendo Switch. I have already saved 130.71 euro. I've been saving for about 3 months (I haven't really put much effort into it yet). I would like to buy the Switch until the summer vacation. At the moment I "earn" money with bottles only, which works well. My parents might pay 100 euro. So I only have to pay about 230 euro. I'm now missing 99.29 euro I do not know how I can get the money until the summer holidays.

Can I do it over hooded sheep? Because the summer vacation starts next week!

Hope man can understand it because I can't explain so well.


Vll has a neighbor to do something for which he puts out a few toads. Had whole basement full of junk. Can make empty for 300.


Oh thanks, I ask vill again 😘


Here are tips on how to get money

Collect bottles (at school or anywhere else)
Baby babes when parents don't have time
Bring newspaper etc.


Ka in school there are often bottles, I can see


You can roughly extrapolate this if you know what is left at the end of a month. For example, if it's 30 euro, you still need four months and then the summer vacation is over.