Huge mites?


Only arms, for about 2 months some places on the stomach and probably on the scalp, since the largest parts of the hair fell but little in proportion. And infested lip for several weeks. Looks now harmless against past months. Scabies is excluded. Non-infectious. I have very thin skin (Ehlers danlos syndrome.). The University Hospital and Dermatologist have issued a briefing to me in psychiatry wg scratch themselves scabby.

I'm afraid that something spreads in me which kills me for a long time. Family doctors (3 meanwhile) believed me on the basis of brought videos because the structures still moved reasonably well visible). Jetzr almost no longer recognizable

, 1 year ago had super infected mosquito bites. Then there 40 degrees warm swim in the lake there

Long sleeves at 40 degrees in the shade. Always looked like a well. Thousand questions explain one excuse after the other. I can't be honest anymore.

At least my husband and mother have looked closer and believe that there's something. Mites like gangrene were visible in the skin.

But so many different… That can't come alone from different stages / cycles

Ivermeticine tablets 4 pieces 2 x (after 2 weeks 2nd dose) get, as it has in the face in some places and the lip so right, in my lower and upper lip spread.

Tried ointments, antibiotics when I had fever and chills at first, and thick swollen arms with grooves, the doctors thought of shingles. Others disagreed later.

But that's not the way it all comes down to me almost and I have to force myself halfway to do my daily routine. I'm totally exhausted most of the time. If someone else says how do you look again from here the scratch on flipp I completely off. Because I have been in record time from 0 to 1000 for some time. Yes, Psyche has suffered in the meantime. What did the allergist say? On which I had placed so much? They have a thin skin, naturally and also mentally.

Due to my mental instability, I draw parasites on my skin, if I interpret the doctor correctly. Most doctors took just 5 minutes and a quick look did not see anything conspicuous

But something breaks my skin again and again. Ignoring it does not stop either. Tried everything.

I'm 45, my children 10 and 11 years old, dog 7, cat 12 :).

live in NRW.

Oh yes: important: my arms or forearms smell intensely of ammonia!

Then you should let lt. Google kidneys and liver control. In July I can ask for a lab appointment before there's nothing left as family doctor.

In Essen is a parasitology department. You have to be at 7.30 and register. My man can't drive so far me either… Not to make the train at the time. My husband can't drive that far right now.

Has anyone heard and seen such things before?


Mites can be in the face. Hot even eye mites. I mean. Most are in bed. / 2 million Is not a hygienic problem / the doctor is synonymous below what. All the best / would exceptionally take shampoo against mites or scabies. Permethrin kills everything, but only for a short time.

I copy paste my previous answer, jja is often the same…

"Maybe unrecognized bed mite allergy? It was like this with me." "Coughing, respiratory problems, nausea, wheals." Many also have pimples, rashes, itching, nose, itchy eyes, etc… Causing poor sleep.

If left untreated, asthma threatens (level change).

Can you google milbopax? Has helped me.

For me, only the 4th Allergy test was positive. So just try it for 10.- Euro… "

I would not take drugs with pyrethrum or permethrin. Only work in the short term and can kill cats… "


If I had such a thing then I would go to a dermatologist / dermatologist or if it is important for you to come to this parasitology department in Essen, then you will probably find a way to get there.


Due to the mental instability, it will happen that the doctors do not believe you. Sure, the problem is somehow between terrifying and disgusting… But you want to change something - that's good.

If there's a specialist clinic, a doctor can refer you to it and you do not have to be there at 7:30.

The symptoms can be conceited or psychosomatic or really caused by parasites. If you talk quietly to a doctor and say so, then he too will understand that you should first rule out the last resort.


I only had 3000 and had to delete text. I was at 2 skin clinics and my dermatologist. First various misdiagnoses since about 3, 4 months it says psychosomatisch.ohne no sample to analyze what even my now new family doctor (age pension) had asked on the transfer. A colleague has just written a thesis about it and the doctors in the university clinic bonn were really excited to have me as such an apparent case in front of you. I do not know yet how I can upload videos or pictures here but l3s me by so it is of course very difficult for outsiders, that is understandable.


Well, I was told that on the phone because it is an acutsprechstunde and you would not get it because of the rush otherwise would unfortunately. That's why I think that I have to be there then. I already looked with the lip and the swollen inflamed arms and fever. And thought the call immediately the ambulance. No, the receptionists have meant snippy now would be free until the holiday no kutter time and then in 2 weeks to report at a specific time for a special day to then the week thereafter to get an appointment. And after the further 3 and a half weeks I will be dispatched short-lived. Last but not least an attempt, nice doctor (group practice) but also here the pure attempt to convince me to go to a psychosomatic clinic. I thought I was standing in the woods. My husband is a huge skeptic. Also my mother. They also admitted to see that something is moving in various shots. Mobile phone videos with 8 times zoom at least. Aner no high performance camera. Clearly, my mother said, so I think when the kids have vacations to the recommended clinic. What she sees what moves could really be triggered by the psyche, she is convinced. Is there such a thing I ask myself? Psyche for all those who want to see the visible results? Because then I could then occur with. This is inexplicable to me, I always believe only what I see. And I do not understand.


Oh my poor Shakira, gitte sank she is not the madness schuschetiger. (lucky cat) but so my children have learned to treat animals with respect. Because our diva is very difficult; There even has our oeb respect. Allergy test for mites? Available at the pharmacy? Had something in the network but found 50 euro and fruit then what is. That's why I left it. Milbopax I look at thank you! Mite shampoo so far I knew nothing of that there's? I google it so much thanks. How do I upload the pictures now;).


You could certainly need a vacation as a young mother. If the doctors recommend you go to a psychosomatic clinic, I would treat myself to that. There you will be looked after around the clock. Either you're fine and it's good, or if they find out there that you actually have any parasites, believe me, they'll want to get rid of you pretty quickly and transfer them to a responsible office.


Thanks that is very nice written. I try it but with another nvorei taken dermatologist. Ange i h think without sounding paranoia. They have all information via intranet in front of them and are therefore biased by the diagnosis of bonn.