If the copyright belongs?

- in Nintendo

I've designed a picture for a Belgian gaming community that has a NSES controller in the widest sense. However, when creating the image, the "SUPER NINTENDO - ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM" logo and logo were omitted, and instead the community name and the community's website and logo were worked into it.
The font with which this was written is "NSES".
Now my question is, if I have copyrights or Nintendo.
I mean, I designed the picture myself and it's only in the faintest sense an NSES controller.
Would then be the only problem that I do not own the font?
PS: The picture goes from Germany to a Belgian community. I do not know if you need international copyright or anything like that.

If the copyright belongs

EVERYONE immediately recognizes the controller, you have traced it 1: 1.

The design itself does not necessarily enjoy copyright protection, but Nintendo has certainly registered all the intellectual property rights that are possible, even for the two-dimensional representation.

Nintendo has a lot of very well paid lawyers, personally I would not let it matter.

Designing your own controller is also a bit more creative.


You could alienate the controller accordingly… I would. Just leave off the L and R buttons, and the small recess that's up at the bottom.

in addition, rearrange the colors a little and change the two gray connections between the buttons, e.g. By simply making a square with rounded corners out of it.

and maybe I would like to change select and start… Eg. "mode" and "go" or something…

then you can nintendo nibbled down the hump.


So, that's dev. An NSES controller. This is recognizable and clearly assign as SNES Corntroller.

Only a clueless would hold that for a car silhouette.

Now the question is whether the controller form is protected? I do not think so. (But that should not mean anything.)

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