Article 13 Gaming Content?

- in Nintendo

As I understand, Article 13 is now as good as it is. Unfortunately, I do not know any details about it. Only the whole thing has something to do with copyright. I was too lazy to check in now, because I have a simple question. I'm a Nintendo-Lets player. It is now forbidden to upload this content. I think the answer is unfortunately "yes", because it is synonymous under copyright. I also wanted to ask for your opinion: Do you really believe that Article 13 comes through?


Do not you generally need the Go of Nintendo for Nintendo games? Or is that meanwhile looser.
At the latest with article 13 you will need this. Although I very much doubt that it will even be possible for small Content Creator to upload videos. YouTube would have to have a completely new filter programmed. The last one has already cost a lot and does not work properly until today. It would be stupid of Google to collect hundreds of ads every day, if it could be prevented by switching off or very tight monitoring of the platform.


Completely independent of Art. 13, Lets Plays have always been disallowed, that would simply be tolerated.


Nintendo released some guidelines for using Nintendo game content at the end of 2018. As long as you stick to them, there should be no problem.

If you create content for the relevant video and image publishing sites using footage and / or screenshots of games that have copyright on Nintendo ("Nintendo Game Content"), we will not object to such use as long as you choose stick to a few basic rules. The following guidelines should help you: