Razer Ripsaw picture interference when recording / streaming?

- in Nintendo

Maybe one or the other can help me…

I own the Razer Ripsaw and use it to stream my Nintendo Switch quite often. The problem with this is that especially with the game "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate", such color disturbances suddenly arise during the recording… And I don't know why.

I've also looked at recordings from other YT'bers, but they don't have such a problem as it seems. Now I'm not sure whether this has anything to do with the settings or whether my device has a flaw?! The problem arises especially when I'm in the character selection menu, for example when I fight. But it can happen here and there, just not as often as in the selection menu.

I also have a small sample recording here, so that you know what that means:

The whole time I was thinking about getting the Elgato. With the hope that the problem will then be resolved. However, if it is only due to the settings, I could save the money right away. Maybe you have an idea?


Unfortunately, I can't help you with the problem directly and only recommend trying to replace individual cables.

In my experience you only have problems with the Ripsaw.

Connection errors, synchronization errors, sound errors and much more. When the money is there, I would switch to Elgato every time.


That's right, I recently thought about the cable, just have to find one and hope that it still works. But yes, I'm gradually getting a better feeling about Elgato. But since I only had the picture disturbance and didn't know whether it was only due to the settings, I hesitated to buy an Elgato. Let's see… My finger is itchy, but first I wanted to see if I can solve the problem that way. If not, try the Elgato.


So… Found an HDMI cable and tried it out. Unfortunately no success. : /