How many FPS are lost during recording / streaming?

- in Twitch

I wanted to ask if anyone knows how much FPS is lost when recording and streaming games on Twitch.

Streamed are mainly E-Sport titles and Monster Hunter World, probably in FULL HD and partly WQHD.

Relevant information:

CPU: Ryzen 5 2600x

GPU: Vega 64

RAM: 16GB (28GB) 3200mhz

Lead: 100mbit / s download, 40mbit's upload

I wanted to record and stream through the in-house software from AMD.

Tips on the software for streaming / recording I accept also thankfully.


Fps can't be lost!


For streaming I use under Linux a tool called Vokoiscreen. Since Windows is a resource-hungry and the right tools to do so (most) you lose a lot of rake and graphics power unnecessarily, as with a DSL 100K connection, it is usually not on the download but on the upload to the Internet. For most connections, the stream is buffered at the stream and downscaled to a less bandwidth-consuming format. This then receives again the point X, calculates this again and returns this.

This system can be largely handled load technically if you have a suitable line on the Internet has the upstream. I own from AT & T a fiber optic connection that has synchronous up and download. That's why I have the same amount of bandwidth in both directions. I could even transfer in 8K resolution without creating a jerky image. Only most of the recipients do not even have a DSL 200K connection to the überhaubt to watch.

Even if it is difficult for you. Currently trying to keep the resolution as low as possible in order to generate less bandwidth so that your Internet connection can do it. Your system will be less burdened, need fewer buffers, and will be better able to bring the stream online. As long as you have no fiber connection with synchronous up and download, 4K Streaming uses you very little.


Hard to read question - this is about Twitch and what brings him your thick line? Main thing to hear yourself talking…


They are not lost, only elsewhere.


Depends on your settings (codec, quality, video bandwidth, …). For such questions, I never understand, why you do not try it out?


If you have no idea you should keep your pen still. If you can already drink from a bottle you will have noticed that the dur comes out a certain amount of liquid. Is the opening larger comes out more out of the container. Who is so stupid and does not understand it should rather leave with the computer!


And what should one do with such data rates at Twitch? Own goal.