Can I speed up apps on my Mac Book?

- in Nintendo

I have a question regarding my MacBook.

I'm using some programs that are overburdened by my Mac and are rumbing. Especially Adobe editing programs and Nintendo emulators.

I would like to know if it is possible to give individual apps / programs the opportunity to get more energy.

I googled the topic and came only to solution suggestions for Windows. There you can choose in the activity overview for each program between slow, medium and fast.

My Mac has recently been flattened and has plenty of storage space and usually little to no other programs open. Operating system is Mojave and the Mac is from 2013.

Do you think there's something to tackle?

Schonmal thanks in advance.


The programs take up as many resources as available. If your Mac just does not have enough hardware then that's just it. Only another computer can help. A computer from 2013 is already relatively old.


Thank you for the fast answer. Do you think it would do any good to replace the hard drive of the Mac? Or other hardware on the Mac?


This Mac just takes a long time and does not really have enough power for it anymore

would buy a new one and it may also be if you have cracked the programs that now contain spiders or Trojans.

Check these things

Hope could help you!


Is that possible?


I was hoping you might be able to tell me that ^^ I've heard that you can have some things exchanged on the Mac, but that's not what I know.


That's no wonder, the MacBook is made to last as long as possible and noiseless (no fans!) Work done, not for performance. No matter how many times you "flatten" it, the hardware does not become more powerful. A MacBook Pro would have been better for you.


Thanks for the answer. That could be natural…


You can't exchange anything with the MB, and I know that exactly. Would not help. There's no faster memory and a faster CPU would burn out - again, the thing has no fans!


It depends on the model and what's inside. Some things can be swapped with some MacBooks, because there's not just one.

So you do not know anything exactly.

My MacBook Pro from 2012, eg. B., has a fan that I could swap. It would not do anything.


But it's about a MacBook, not Pro. Since models are not very different and you can't swap exactly because everything is soldered. Except the fan, that does not exist. And yet, I know that exactly -;)


It is supposedly a MacBook from 2013. So this can't be the 12 '' device. But it's probably not 2013, or not a MacBook, or both.


That can be natural, so many save here with information and you have to poke in the fog