Is this Ebay seller serious or how do I recognize something like that?

- in Nintendo

So as it stands above, I would like to know whether a certain user on eBay is serious.
My question would be how do I check this.
Since this offer seems very cheap to me.


The offer no longer exists.


Well, this is what a classic hacked account looks like:
Nothing sold for a long time, now only high-priced new goods are available several times in the portfolio and expressly accepts no PayPal, only bank transfer.

Keep your hands off and find a reputable seller.


Ok thank you ^^

So these are the basic rules, so to speak?


You can't say that exactly at the moment. So far it looks good. However, most items sold have a low price. There was only one with 200 euro in the last few months.

Uidem is a private trader. However, an invoice is included with the item and thus the guarantee. (Which may be a bad buy, gift or something.)

But I'm surprised that there are 5 pieces. If you look at who wants to have bought them today, it looks strange.


Nonsense, the account was clearly hacked!


If you haven't checked it yourself, then you can't write "nonsense". The assumption is given that something is wrong, but not more.


Registered since 2009, reviews only available for the past 12 months. Payment only transfer accepted, so the PayPal Buyer Protection is also canceled. I wouldn't buy from that. That smells!


I have reported the seller and his previously active offers:

Everything deleted because hacked.