EBay Classifieds - Scammers?

- in Nintendo

I recently bought a Nintendo Switch including games and accessories on eBay Classifieds.

The ad and the seller seemed serious to me, so I transferred the money in real time (which in the end was a mistake)

I was supposed to send the seller a screenshot that I had transferred the money and he wanted my address to get the package ready for shipping. A few minutes later I got an email from eBay:

Dear user,
On April 24th, 2021 at 5:32 p.m. You were in contact with a user on eBay classifieds. This concerned the communication with the advertisement, […].
The access of the user with whom you had contact has been temporarily restricted by us.

Strangely white, I got a lot of these emails from other people who sell a switch and with whom I was in contact.

My question to you now would be: What would you do now? Is there still hope that my package will be sent anyway.

And before people come back and say that Ebay is only suitable for picking up and you shouldn't transfer anything - yes, it doesn't work anymore.


For the sake of form ad. But financially it won't do anything


The ad and the seller seemed serious to me, so I transferred the money in real time (which in the end was a mistake)

That was announced…

What would you do now?

Hard to say. You can file a complaint, but it won't bring you the money or the device.

Is there still hope that my package will be sent anyway.


So you can't write to me anymore? If you write to if no do you have another eBay ACC or do you know who can write to him for you and ask when it will come? Also write to eBay Support for what these emails are for. Is there a guarantee?


Unfortunately, that has happened to me before.

I got in touch with eBay Classifieds and got my money back after a while.

I hope you end well too.

The best thing to do is to stay away from real-time transfers. It is better to look for offers in your area a little longer.


Because it also fits here:

What exactly is the point of writing to eBay? He can just as easily write to MediaMarkt, IKEA or Daimler. They have just as much to do with the local situation.


I can write to him and I've already done that, but I don't think that if his account has been restricted it matters to them


OK if he doesn't answer, it could be that he just doesn't write.


What exactly did you write on eBay Classifieds? And did you transfer the money or pay with PayPal?


Do you never learn?

eBay classified ads is a regional advertising market that sells goods for cash on collection.

The only sensible alternative to this is the new payment via buyer protection:


Have you transferred to a German bank account, recognizable by the DE in the IBAN?

Then wait a few more days, if nothing comes up, you file charges of commercial credit fraud against the bank account holder.

That won't bring you your money back, you have to claim or sue for it under civil law; But it shows the other side that you mean business:


Please note, however, that in accordance with Section 447 of the German Civil Code (BGB), you bear the risk of loss from the time the seller has handed over the shipment to the shipping service provider in the case of a private purchase:


And for the next time:



Real-time transfer with online banking. I just described the facts. They had also previously informed me in writing that the person had been classified as suspicious.