Was I cheated over eBay on Ice Cream?

- in Xbox

I bought 2 xbox 360 controllers via eBay classified ads.

The seller had a top rating.

I paid by bank transfer. (14,50 euro)

Now, the seller had written on Tuesday if he still manages today, then he sends it off on Tuesday. If not then Wednesday morning.

Today is Friday the package is not there and the seller mute ๐Ÿ˜…

Can it be possible that it is a cheater?

The seller lives in Bitburg and the account is in Luxembourg.

(P.s: please stay calm.) I'm aware that eBay classifieds for this payment is not made.)


It happened to me too. It was about 300 EUR. But I was so smart and paid it through Paypal (on business). So I got the money back.


Thursday was a holiday in some states. So it can be very good, that's why it does not arrive after 3 days because of you.


300 euro is also a sum at which one might rather suspect fraud. But at 14.50 euro? Pretty low yield.


Account in Luxembourg is already suspicious. Had I pers for the reason already no business come about.

But wait first. Remember, yesterday was a holiday. Do not you have a transmission number?


I can't imagine it, especially because he was very very sympathetic, but good that can of course be deceived.

If it is like that then it is so but I've been looking forward to gamble ๐Ÿ˜…


Of course I have doubted first but Bitburg is close to the border, so I thought then that will have a reason.

I asked for the tracking number this morning, but I did not get an answer.


Well of course it can be.


Baden-Wรผrttemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland


Well wait. The person is possibly busy. Not every Internet user today is Always On


Yesterday was Friday?


With us in NRW already. ๐Ÿ˜


You lucky ones! ๐Ÿ˜

Cream on electronics? ai ainsley57
Was I Cheated On Ebay? Co CokeMadeleine