Nintendo does not charge anymore - what to do?

- in Nintendo

For a few weeks, my Nintendo is no longer charging properly, the lamp outside is always red and he often crashes and goes out. Sometimes he does not even go anymore. It was only possible if I somehow held the charging cable and it was completely inside. But it did not really load, so it never got a blue lamp. Eventually, however, that did not work and the Nintendo became useless until I found out that this could be a battery error. That's why I screwed it on (and screwed down screws, lol) and let me change the battery (was afraid to break something down). When I got it back I tried it again, but the problem persisted. I wondered if that could be due to the charging cable, because all the pulling (which was necessary for it to be charged at all) was already very exhausted. Also, I noticed that the plug of the cable was somehow always so "loose" in there and not as tight as it should. Of course I pushed him in but it happened again and again. Meanwhile, the Nintendo almost no longer charges, even if I pull on the charging cable or make the plug. Should I buy a new charging cable and see if it works? I just do not know any more…


How can you please no longer load the company Nintendo?


I would try it with a new loader, was so similar to me.


Thanks, then I'll run away tomorrow ^^


Meant my Nintendo 3ds, if that was not meant ironically ^^


So first of all, it would be helpful to write which device means too concrete. In contrast to "Tempo", for example, it is absolutely not clear at Nintendo, which product is meant.

But I assume you mean a device from the 3DS series. So: It would have been better to FIRST to try a new cable before changing to the battery. According to your description, it is in fact a) on the cable or b) on the socket (or both). The former would not be a problem, the latter… A problem.


Better to cheat than with Clash Royale


Thanks for the answer! Unfortunately, I'm not so good with it and I've been informed on the Internet and there have all talked of a Akkufehler- that was just my bad luck. I will try it today with a new charging cable ^^


I'm also called Dr. Prof. Super Hacka.


The answer was actually to the guy who answered you because he was asking all the time how to cheat royale in Clash. But apparently it was banned now.