How can I visit an internet address with the Nintendo Switch?

- in Nintendo

I hope you can help me because I'm really desperate.

So it is the following, I would like to connect my switch with the wlan (the wlan the pension in which I currently live) and after entering the password still on a page where I have to sign up again by simply pressing on connect. With the phone and the PC that is not a problem but the switch makes trouble, because if the will connect to the Wi-Fi I will after 5 min. Connection attempt forwarded to a page where I must log on. But unfortunately that's the wrong address, it's one on which you can do nothing. I know the right address where I can log in but I see no possibility to enter an address that I want to visit. I have already tried to connect via the hidden browser but then I will be redirected to this page where nothing happens… Does anybody know how I can change that so that I can just enter the correct address?


There's a hidden browser.


I've already tried that but I'm not getting to the browser but directly forwarded to the useless page


Since the Nintendo Switch does not have an official browser, that will probably not work. If you need to log in somewhere, this connection will not benefit your switch. Either you ask someone who takes care of the Wlan in this guesthouse or you will have to wait until you are back home