Nintendo Switch annual membership?

- in Nintendo

The annual membership costs 19 euro. Do I have to pay again at the end of the year and what does membership bring me?


19 euro is really fit, I would like something on Xbox or Playstation. Yes, you can continue to pay at the end of the year, but you can also cancel it before the next subscription is due.


So I buy this year's subscription and when the year is over, do I buy the subscription again or does it work automatically?

And can I play games with this membership without having to buy them first


So if you have given your bank account / credit card, that will be deducted automatically. Unfortunately, I don't know what advantages membership has.


The online subscription counts from the moment you start paying 365 days (i.e. Nothing at the end of the year). If there's sufficient credit, the standard setting is to be automatically extended 2 days (or so) before the expiry. This can be deactivated immediately with your acc (it should be in the top right in the eshop) then the subscription automatically expires after 365 days (so it does not stop immediately) and is not extended