Buy Nintendo Switch Online on eBay?

- in Nintendo

I saw 1 year membership (Nintendo Switch Online) on eBay for 8.99 euro or so and now I just have the question: Is it "safe" to buy it there? Isn't that usually more expensive?

And now that we're on the subject: there's 1 year membership and 1 year family membership. I heard that family membership is cheaper. Can you get family membership if you only have one switch? So that you have membership, so to speak, just cheaper? (If you know what I mean)

Thank you in advance and I hope I have not formulated it too confusing, I'm bad at formulating ^^;


So I know that family membership costs more than normal. The offer also sounds very dubious…


My girlfriend somehow said that she bought family membership and it was cheaper than normal membership


A normal membership normally costs 19.99 a year. A family membership costs 35.99 or so…


Better pay 10 euro more