Opinion on Nintendo Switch problems?

- in Nintendo

I have bought a Nintendo Switch so far, the case that the switch was damaged by transport to the dealer and I have had to replace it twice (first scratch on the switch and problems with the left joy-con, second because both of them joy-cons had problems)

Now it is like that after 2 data losses due to the exchange, I have problems again because a pixel error has occurred (black single dot on the display and the quite joy-con joystick makes scratchy metallic noises.

Still have the option to swap the switch again (at GameStop in the first month)

Would you do that?

Are just the 2 problems and the pixel error is really just a small somewhat annoying point.

(Ps: I exchanged the switch on 6.1 and only played on TV up to the setting)


Yes, I would. It is true that the errors are almost minimal, but you buy new goods. If Nintendo is too stupid to produce working consoles without dead pixels (which is not uncommon since the release), then they should stand for it.


Thanks for the opinion, helps me a lot

