New device has scratches, return policy?

- in Nintendo

I bought myself on Friday a brand new Nintendo Switch. Of course, I immediately unpacked and then noticed in the corner above so smear scratches (no idea how to call it), I thought nothing and gently wiped it away. But when the light shone on it I could detect micro scratches (3 pieces). Can you bring them back, or do the employees make you laugh?


Actually, you have a claim because the companies sell you a NEW device.

But if they believe you, I do not know you have to try it.


Even if it does not work so micro scratches do not matter much. Or how do you see that?


Can you bring them back, or do the employees make you laugh?

Yes you can. That's best done on Monday.

But when the light shone on it I could see micro scratches (3 pieces)

Whether this is a deficiency depends on how strong the scratches are.


The customer is king. You have a 14 day right of return. And if you say that there were 3 scratches on it then they are very likely to swap. Provided you have the receipt still. If you ordered online, it's even easier. Everything is taken back within 14 days


No, they do not. It's not perfect in life, but many people overrate that.


I had the time with a cell phone because a coworker wants to blame me.


You can try to give it back…


Well you just see them when the light shines on it. So you have to look carefully. Probably no reason for something like the device to exchange or?


"14 days right of return" for online or shipping orders


In the business exactly the same