Christmas gift too exaggerated?

- in Nintendo

That may sound a bit strange now, but do you think that's an appropriate Christmas present?:

I would very much like to give my colleague a Nintendo Switch Lite so we can play Pokémon together. That would cost me about 180 euro. We usually give ourselves something in the range of 20 euro. Unlike me, he doesn't make any money because he's studying right now. That's why I thought I could give him something bigger.

But is that a little exaggerated? I don't want him to feel bad afterwards, that he didn't give me anything bigger. Unfortunately I don't know my way around this area…


I find it exaggerated among friends. And I don't think the reason you give just to be able to gamble together is ok. He would feel pretty weird, I think


Well you mean it well: D and don't think in a friendship you have to assume that everyone makes the same money gifts or at all. I think your friend will tell you his appreciation in a different way.

Maybe you should directly if you give him that. Say he doesn't have to worry.

So to me it doesn't sound like you want to make him feel bad. But I would consider if you were safe with the gift ^^ so not that you regret it. But doesn't sound like that ^^


If it were a very good friend or if it was a present for a milestone birthday then I would find it okay. However, since you are colleagues and have never given yourself anything great, that's a bit much. You can certainly give him that, but then you should compromise with him if he feels bad. Then he also has the right to give you something bigger at some point so that you can keep yourself balanced again. But among colleagues I find it a little hard to spend so much money just for playing. With really good friends it is different because they have more to do with each other and know each other better.