Help me with the DraStic DS Emulator?

- in Nintendo

I bought the app for 4.49 hours ago. To play DS games on the smartphone. First, I tested the Sims 3, but it did not work because "encrypted ROMs can only be loaded if an original Nintendo Ds ARM7 bios that was dumped by your DS is used."

Then I deleted the Sims 3 and uninstalled the app again and reinstalled the app to try out Tomb Raider Legend. But that did not work, because the game was not listed and the Sims 3 was still in the list, although the game was not even on my smartphone!

And now I've just read that only acquired DS games from the app will be supported. Where I ask the question now. How the hell should I make a backUP of an original DS game?

Can someone please help me with this dirty app?


Since making ROMs that require a copy protection to be bypassed is illegal, you can't help here because conversations about illegal things are not allowed here.

The download of ROMs is also illegal!


I can't imagine, because I bought not only the app itself but my original DS Games! And if you make a back-up of DVDs, CDs or DS cards. Then this is only allowed for private purposes!


It is always allowed, as soon as you do not circumvent any copy protection.

And even if you now own a DS game, and then downloads the ROM, this is still illegal because the copy was made unlawful.