Is it illegal to buy star splinter trees?

- in Nintendo

The Animal Crossing players will know them: Star splinter trees. They look incredibly beautiful in my opinion and are money trees modified at code level.

Is it illegal to buy star splinter trees

According to Nintendo, however, they do no harm to the game and are only followed if you make them. But now my question: Can I buy it? I often read / hear that it wouldn't work, but I don't know how to get it any other way. Can someone help me?


Can make


If only the production is prohibited, the possession and purchase is probably free of penalties.


It speaks against the Nintendo GTC and rules, Nintendo is currently banning dozens of islands with such items and threatens users with the permanent blocking of the Nintendo online service. If you have such items, do not upload your island as a slumber island, then Nintendo can't find it so easily, or there are no users who report it.

Here you can read about it, there are dozen reports.


Oh, too bad.


That is the point! Nintendo is currently banishing many islands from the worse address for this very reason and permanently blocking drone users' access to the online service.


Yes is a pity


Why deleted everything? So I'm right.