What do I need to turn a Raspberry Pi 3 into an internet radio with display?

- in Nintendo

I like listening to internet radio stations with radio plays, music from games and anime.

I have with my Internet Radios Medion and Imperail the problem that I can no longer hear the Internet radio from Nintendo and other sites on the Medion Radio since the conversion and can't find the Internet radio from Inperial.

Now I came by browsing the Internet on the idea to build an Internet radio from a Raspberry Pi 3, as I have seen that there are housing with display.

I'm overwhelmed by the supply variety and do not know what hardware except the power supply need to implement my project.

Which hardware (Raspberry Pi) do I need?
Is there a desktop interface with which you can control it via the display?
With what kind of instructions would you recommend?

Assembly should be the smallest problem, selection of hardware and software installation are points I need help with, since I've never used a Raspberry Pi and have used Linux only on the PC with interface.


Here is a small video series:
Raspberry Pi: Internet Radio (Part 1 to 4)


I have seen the instructions too, I have to build it with display and control over it, which is not the case in the video.


From video two, the controller is switched to a web interface. Of course, you can also use this via the display of the Raspberry Pi itself.


Charge Kodi on the phone, so you can actually get everything you can receive on the Raspi too…

otherwise buy this:


So you make from your Raspi a full - fledged PC - wireless keyboard us mouse you have to have of course…

P.S. Kodi is synonymous for Windows - so you do not need to see all the advertising that one expects in other media libraries…


Thanks first of all.


Can I have the manual

Build your own internet radio with a Raspberry Pi, Kodi and a Touch Display

of https://www.reichelt.de/magazin/how-to/kodi-internetradio/

use for it?


Yeah, sure, the link from me is just for a 7 inch Tough display…

But to install Kodi, you do not need the display, since a normal monitor is enough…


What do I need to turn a Raspberry Pi 3 into an internet radio with display?

power adapter
SD card with a working operating system
Possibly an indefinite number of pressure switches
Various cables to communicate with the GPIO ports
In the simplest case, a shell script for the evaluation

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In my garden, I have six different colored push-buttons built into the wall on each of which I programmed a transmitter.

I press the one and it is FFH
or I press the three and it is SWR3
or on the four comes HarmonyFM, etc.
without display, just listen, I do not need more in the garden:-)

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Linux Hase


I once made a Raspberry Pi as a media player and Internet radio with display: https://blog.velocarte66.fr/de/story/raspberrypi-b-als-musikplayer-teil-1-hw-und-betriebssystem (Part 2 does not exist)


Addendum: The control of the display I have done with Tkinter, the I / O of the buttons with RPi.GPIO. On the display you can also run a complete desktop and then use the usual programming environments.


I would recommend a touch screen and then run on the Raspberry Pi operating system LibreELEC. That's where the media center software Kodi comes in. Then they have the desired functions. You can also enter your own stream URLs.

Touchscreen: https://www.rasppishop.de/Resistives-IPS-Touch-Screen-Display-35-fuer-Raspberry

LibreELEC: http://releases.libreelec.tv/LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-8.2.5.img.gz After download unzipping the gz file and then flashing the img file with this https://www.balena.io/...io/etcher/ tool onto an empty formatted memory card. This tool is better than the Win32 Disk Imager because it always checks the images and memory cards for errors before flashing. In addition, it is not only available for Windows, but also for Mac and Linux.


I have seen that this display also in combination with housing.

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