Will there be more content from Astral Chain at E3?

- in Nintendo

So far, very little has been seen about Astral Chain. Do you think that this game is interesting enough that Nintendo will show even more at the next E3 and that there might be a demo at gamescom to play?

Do you think that this game resembles too much Nier Automata and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or do you think that this game could prevail?




I've linked a Youtube video and linked some tweets from Nintendo to Astral Chain for people who do not know this game yet


Of course there will be more info there, after all it is produced by Platinum Games. Whether it will succeed, but it is difficult to say, since it is a new IP.


Not nervous18 :)

Clearly, I can only give you my spectacle as an opinion, because that's exactly what you will not be able to say in advance.

Personally, I have never heard of this game and what I can see from the trailer, it builds heavily on XC, but you can probably judge yourself better. Since the game is certainly not the most well-known, it is certainly not easy to inspire a lot of players, since XC in my opinion is not bad and also has his fan base.

Whether you will learn more about the game before Reales is also hard to say, since certainly not part of Nintendo's top franchise. What you at the Gamescom alluding in my opinion is always quassi diced, which if I remember last year there were already a few "cracker games" there. XD

But see it this way: if you do not get any further information, then the anticipation for the release is even greater.

Hope I could help you.


Do you think that it also reminds a little on Nier Automata?

Well, it really reminds me a lot more of Nier Automata than Xenoblade Chronicles 2. But I think that it has its own features, which can be Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will not have


The section in minute 1:02 reminds me very much of the beginning of Nier Automata. If you've played Nier Automata yourself, you'll know which one I mean


Yes, I already know the game and have played it a bit, but after about 1 h wiwder stopped because it was not quite my game: /

From what can be seen in the trailer is, there may well be synonymous overlap in gameplay elements, but from the trailer you can't close so much now.


Unfortunately, if you did not completely play Nier Automata, you can't judge that either. The place I mean is the factory you explore after landing


Yeah, well, you know that better than me.

I still hope that I could help you.