Switch Nintendo Account at Switch?

- in Nintendo

We have 2 Nintendo Switch devices. Therefore we wanted to activate this family membership. The problem is my Nintendo Account is very old and still has my old email address, which I no longer have access to, since I have not logged in there for more than 500 days and have forgotten the password, according to the operator it was blocked. To change the email address at Nintendo you would have to click on a confirmation link in my old email inbox.

I contacted Nintendo Service over a month ago but still haven't received a response.

Can you maybe assign a new Nintendo Account to the Switch user? Do you have any other ideas? I actually only play Animal Crossing on it and the problem is that I can't delete the user, otherwise the island will be gone.


Looks bad for you. You can try to access your email or delete your Acc from the console. If your resident is the island spokesman, you can only delete the island. Unfortunately, you can't switch because your resident is linked to your data, here is a proof (picture from Switchonline app):

I hope I could continue to help you, even if it is not so great to have no access. LG


Have deleted the user at the risk that everything is gone. Fortunately, when I started AC, I was able to take over the game from my old user. So it worked xD


Ok, you learned something about that 😊 thanks

It was never safe and nobody wants to risk it, that's why I heard it. XD