Looking for old Game Boy Color game?

- in Nintendo

I'm looking for an old Gameboy (/ -Color) game that I always played as a kid. You control an airplane, the pilot I think is a bear and there are different levels with different opponents. It's 2D, so the camera always goes from left to right. At the end you fight a huge airship. I think it was not a Nintendo game, but I'm not 100% sure.

Would be mega nice if someone would recognize, unfortunately, I have not more memories.


Do you mean that? https://www.ninretro.de/game-3-2696.html


OMG yes that's it


Please please.


How to get an answer with so little information 😂


That's the Gameboygeneration * gg * I grew up with the part, I know all games of it unfortunately not now but that with Captn Balu has then told me something else that was synonymous in television as a cartoon


Cool 😉

Well, I'm a bit too young for that (both the original Gameboy and the animated series 😅😂)