Looking for an old Xbox Live demo game?

- in Xbox

I'm looking for the name of a very old demo game for the very first Xbox, also called Xbox Live. That was back then (2003-2005 not quite sure) such a green CD with a demo playing on it.

The disc looked something like this

Looking for an old Xbox Live demo game

I can still remember that there were 3 cool games on it. For one, this halo

Looking for an old Xbox Live demo game - 1

Then there's Sonic Heroes and another fighting game. I'm now looking for the name of the fighting game. It wasn't a normal fighting game like Tekken or something. I can still remember that there was a guy with the sound of Wolverine on his hand. He could hang his opponents on the blades and let the blades rotate as if he were mixing them.

I know, not ideal for an 8 year old 😂

Does anyone know which game it was or a video or link to the list of the games on the CD?


These were Xbox Exhibitions Demo Disks. If that was it with Halo, it was the first. I think there was Dead or Alive as a fighting game on it. But I don't think Sonic was there.


Yes, sonic was definitely there. But thanks, I'll see if it was dead lr Alive


Unfortunately it wasn't dead or alive. But I looked at all the old fighting games and it was SoulCalibur 2


Ahh that.