How can I write on Twitch in color?

- in Twitch

Moin I'm on twitch moderator on some channels. To facilitate my work, I would like to know if there's the possibility to write in a different color that is not in the same color as that of my name. I already know that if you enter / me, then you can write in the color as the color of your own name is. But is there a possibility if now, for example, my name is blue, for example, to write in red? And if so how?


/ color orangered or / color yellow eg. Enter then you can change the color


And in how far does it help with the question?


This is not possible, you can only write in the same color as the name.


So you can change the color of the user name but not the color of the font and the user name I want it to stay that way


That will not do. I used to be mod on many channels and actually have all the commands. But something like you do not work.