Super Nintendo doesn't work?

- in Nintendo

Good evening you love I hope you can help me and it concerns the following problem: I just tried to connect the console super nintendo to my Samsung TV, the sound works but there's no picture and it is plugged in correctly I don't know why it doesn't work do you have an idea or can you help me why it doesn't work? Thank you in advance for your answers and help.

Super Nintendo doesn t work Super Nintendo doesn t work - 1

In my opinion, everything is put together right. Maybe a loose connection on the TV, on the adapters or on the Nintendo?


If I remember that correctly, the yellow was responsible for the picture, red and white for the sound on the right / left.

So you have to connect everything to the "yellow" adapter. Whether that really works is another question. So the red one still has to pass, the rest should fit.

I solved it with such an adapter, works quite well so far:


I shook the Nintendo but there's nothing that is really weird


Thank you very much that worked now I can finally play ☺️ Have a nice evening


Happy, have fun.


Please leave out the adapter with the light blue chinch plug, instead plug the red chinch plug from the nintendo into the red socket of the 1st adapter.

when selecting the source, please set "FBAS" accordingly


Many thanks for the help. LG Simone