Persuade Parents To Buy XBOX?

- in Nintendo

I'm male 13 years old. I want / try to persuade my parents.

And so far I also have a good impression with you. Soon it will be sugar-solid and I'm thinking of asking. Because they are very likely to be in a good mood. The only problem is you bought me a cell phone 1 month ago. Although I didn't need one yet and I have the concerns that they will then say that we won't buy you a console because we recently bought you a cell phone. Well I never had a console other than a Wii. I haven't gambled a lot lately and my parents are a bit skeptical about consoles. So you think I'll just gamble and ICV could buy the console myself but only with the permission of my parents. That means if I buy it myself, I have to have permission from my parents.


What kind of Xbox are we talking about?


No, that is not a good argument. And if you already gamble too much, you will gamble even more afterwards…

besides, your parents have to work for it… They decide what to spend YOUR money on


Dear mom, dear dad, I'm now giving up pocket money and all kinds of gifts for 2 years.

I will help with the household every day, I will take care of my room by myself (vacuuming, cleaning, tidying up)

I'm getting a lot better at school, especially at spelling.

I give this to you in writing.

One of my arguments is all of my friends have a console I don't.

This argument is as old as humanity and has never drawn before.

If all of your friends jump off a bridge into a raging river, do you jump after?


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