I hate my parents?

- in PlayStation

I'm the guy who almost never cries, but my parents keep getting me to do it. You always provoke me. My father has a lot of money. And what does he do with it? Nothing! I have to buy everything myself and if they treat me to something, then only something that is normal for other children. For Christmas I got a gaming PC that I paid half for. Then my father said: OK, but you have to buy the rest yourself. Now I'm sitting here with my tube screen while my dad has half a million in my account. I also love to ride MTB. So far I always got along with my old 200 Euro hardtail bike and then asked if I would get a fully for my birthday. That would also be worthwhile in my eyes, because I really drive a lot and actually do well. But my parents say I have to buy it myself like everything else. When I have problems at school, my parents are on the spot to help. But when it comes to the fact that there's a wasp plague in my room, I have to go through it alone. Other kids have gaming pcs, playstations, and multiple MTBs and got everything from their parents. They even drive BMWs and such. And then my parents come with a rusty Ford and say it can still drive. My cell phone is a very old broken iphone se while my sisters are walking around with the latest samsung cell phones i have to buy my new one myself. I only have 15 pocket money a month. And I can't deliver the newspaper either because you need a confirmation from your parents, but you think I have to take care of it myself. Can someone help me and tell me what to do?


Put it out with the confirmation in the newspaper, I don't understand your parents. Depending on how old you are, I find the pocket money rather little. But in principle, what your parents do is not bad at all. They make you thankful and you work for things yourself


And if you treat me to something, then only something that is normal for other children.

Then everything is fine! You don't need more!

Your alleged hatred is based only on money. You should be ashamed of that! Parents are not "milking cows"!

I think your demands are too high! No, you don't need a BMW. Very few children get everything they want. That would be completely wrong pedagogically anyway!

Neither do I believe that you have to buy a new cell phone from your alleged € 15 pocket money, pay half your PC etc. Etc. Stop showing your parents here in a wrong light and lying to us!


I don't want a BMW, I just want my parents to treat me like my siblings


They will have their reasons, which you keep from us!


I'm in tears.

How can you buy Yeezy Yeezy Boots with 15, - EUR pocket money, if "only" for 450, - EUR?

For that much money, some people have to finance their lives a month.

I don't think you know how privileged you are with your parents' money.


I financed it myself with my 15 euro


It's different with me:

My parents asked me to buy a new cell phone for 3 years.
But I dislike new things.
For 7 years they have been trying to convince me to buy a new bike, I have always refused. 🙅♂️

And as for you and your sister, maybe you shouldn't focus too hard on new technology, but how you want to multiply this fortune. Without dad.

You want a new bike 🚲 🚴: Well then go and buy some old bikes and sell them at a profit at bike flea markets. You always exchange the sum for bigger things until you can buy your bike.


Okay thanks


It works great, by the way, I built an entire bike in this way.


Hate is a tough word to put in your parents.

And all for reasons of injustice and monetary reasons?

If all that you wrote is true, have you saved 30 months for your shoes and bought nothing else in between?

With a larger purchase, such as a bicycle, the parents can shoot a little more.

I think that you should ask for a conversation, without reproaches, let the sisters' preference be explained to you and that you feel that you have been treated unfairly.

But that's not why you should hate your parents.

All the best