Is it embarrassing if the father has a Super Nintendo in the living room?

- in Nintendo

Is it embarrassing if the father has a Super Nintendo in the living room?


If this is embarrassing for you we can exchange


No, because there's no reason or occasion for it.

1) How can you be a little embarrassed if you are not affected 😌.

2) For to feel embarrassing, it requires a simple justification.


"What interests the lion the opinion of a herd of sheep?" (#game_of_thrones 😉)

If something is so embarrassing, then I think that would be a pity. Unfortunately, Nintendo is often spurned as a "Kinderfirma" and is often classified as not proper gaming, but this is total nonsense.

Especially old console (as well as the "Super Nintendo" 👍) are very suitable for hardcore gamers and are significantly responsible for today's games. Even though playing on such consoles is often not pleasant and people always wonder, no matter what you have in the room, do not let it touch you, because that would be a pity if Nintendo gets another hater. 😕

And again LG 😊