Share room with brother, is it getting exhausting?

- in PlayStation

Slowly I can no longer hold back from sharing our 15sqm room with my brother. I'm 16 years old and he's 13. Unfortunately, our apartment only has a living room and 2 bedrooms. Unfortunately, the living room can't be used as a bedroom for the parents either, as my father often works at night and therefore sleeps during the day and needs some rest.

Up until a year ago I didn't think it was that bad, because my brother did his homework in the living room, and he used to play PlayStation in the living room. And I didn't really have more privacy now, but I wasn't extremely disturbed while studying or playing with my friends. But now he has bought his own console and plays 5 + h in the room every day and yells around with his friends, freaks out, … So that I have pretty much no rest, and he also watches Tiktok or YouTube at full volume on the phone Headphones although I agreed with him that he should at least use headphones.

Now there's also the fact that I would like to "train" every day (home workouts, etc.), but that is no longer possible for me because I have no free space in my brother's room, my parents 'living room and unfortunately the parents' bedroom is too full for it: /

Sorry for spelling and grammatical errors

I would be happy about your tips.


That is why I always recommend parents to rent apartments in such a way that such problems do not arise later.

Well, you probably won't move now unless you move out when you are 18.

You should just try to communicate with your brother, try to lay down rules to keep living together in such a small space as peaceful as possible.

And please: Stop making comments like: In the past, the ten of us lived in a room the size of the guest toilet.