ACNH When do you get the shovel?

- in Nintendo

I've been playing ACNH since today and have a few questions.

-How can I travel to other islands? So do I need Nintendo online for that?

-When do I get a shovel?

-Who plays ACNH? Do we want to play together?


How can I travel to other islands? So do I need Nintendo online for that?

You can visit other islands via the airport.

For the local mode you have to meet the other player in real life and he has to open his airport.
"Nintendo Switch Online" is not required here.

For the online mode, however, »« is required. Both players have to be connected to the internet and the person you want to visit has to open your airport. Here you can then select the person via dodo code or friends list.

When do I get a shovel?

You will get the instructions for the wobble shovel from Eugen after he's in the museum tent. You can then buy the instructions in Nook's shop.

In order for Eugene to come to the island, you have to give 5 different insects / fish to Tom Nook.

You can get the instructions for the normal shovel via Buy »everyday tools A-Z« for nook miles.

Who is playing ACNH? Do we want to play together?

Yes play it and contact search is forbidden here on the site.