Recommend good games?

- in Nintendo

I want to play new games again, I have no idea what, I'm a big fan of games like The Witcher, Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed (because I also loved my favorite parts Black Flag, II and Origins and Odyssey, loved the combination of selection of weapons for combat and stealth, and not just stealth), and partly The Elder Scrolls and Red Dead Redemption (yes, I love RPGs). Have a lot more games from first person shooters to Nintendo games. Obviously, I like old themes in games very much, so get out there, I'm curious.


Ghost of Tsushima or maybe Horizon Zero Dawn


Have a look at

is RPG & Openworld you might like, there's even 2 part for PC, just have to like something, I personally think storyline is very good. Is from the house of Ghibli


I can recommend Dishonored to you. Super addicting game.


The Last of Us (1)

This game grabbed me from cover to cover. The graphics are pretty darn good for 2013, and if you have the Remastered Edition for the PS4, nothing to complain about. The story is also fantastic, emotion, tension and action and don't let me forget the characters. The characters are almost all written fantastically. You empathize and don't have 30 minutes before you get another great scene in which you empathize. Simply my favorite game!


I can only recommend Greedfall, it's a really good RPG in my opinion.