Buy Nintendo Switch to play Pokemon sword / shield?

- in Nintendo

(Main question at the bottom)

I currently don't have a Nintendo Switch, Pokemon Sword or Shield. Since I've been a Pokemon fan for over 10 years, I wanted to buy the Nintendo Switch to play Pokemon sword / shield on it. I did some research and found

• Pokemon sword and shield is not really complete and has some shortcomings (such as: little, bad or no story, you are not really like the previous editions of the "hero" means → you are not saving the city or something like that but it's really about exploring the Galar region without an exciting story or side quests. &&&. •

However, I repeatedly read that it is still a must for Pokemon fans and still fun to play despite some shortcomings.

* My question * so is:

In your opinion, is it worth buying the Nintendo Switch (330 euro) to play Pokemon sword / shield on it?


Depends on. I scorched my 70-80 hours in the game and it was cool fun like before. Which is also cool that you can catch the entire pokedex. And the pokemon running around is cool too. The group fights are also fun.
I would definitely say that the game is worth it. But if you end up with only the switch for it, it's a little expensive. But I played a lot of good games on the switch. Animal crossing was a lot of fun. And breath of the wild is one of the best games ever. I do not regret having brought my switch and would very much recommend zelda to you. It will even continue soon. There's also ring fit adventure which is the hottest sport game
and don't get the switch light. Or we're enemies


I don't play Pokémon, but I've had my Switch for over 3 years now and I don't regret buying it in the slightest. Everyone has to decide for themselves whether it is worth buying an entire console just because of a game. I only bought my Wii U for LC: UC, but with Nintendo consoles it is actually always the case that games that are interesting to me come out in the course of their lifetime.


Thank you so much!


Many thanks for the answer.

Up until now, I wasn't really enthusiastic about the Switch light.

I heard it's just not possible to catch all of the pokedex. After research, I found out that there are a total of 400 pokemons in the two games, which few special pokemons can only be caught on one edition.


You can easily exchange them


Good to know thank you very much