Pokemon Nintendo Switch? - 3

- in Nintendo

I recently bought a Nindento Switch. I have to say that I now feel like playing Pokemon.

Is there a Pokemon game for the Switch that doesn't require any prior knowledge?

I had never had anything to do with Pokemon and would like to start a game where everything is explained to me from 0 with the story and everything. Where I get to know every Pokemon etc. I hope you understand what I mean.

I went looking for a few games and found the Pokemon games is what I described?:

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX
Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!
Pokémon sword
Pokémon shield
Pokémon Tekken DX


You don't need any previous knowledge for any Pokémon part. Each Pokémon has more or less its own little story.

of the above, if you want to have a "real" Pokémon game, grab one of the let's go parts or sword / shield.


Pokémon Sword / Shield are the current main games. They are well suited for beginners.
If you get the log on to Facebook in groups for the games, you almost always get help if something should be. The site Bisafans.de is a must for every player, because you get all the information you need.


As explanation:
Sword and shield are part of the main game series

The Let's Go parts are bridging games that were released before Sword and Shield.

Tekken DX is just a beat 'em up

Mystery Dungeon is a sideline. Is a dungeon crawler with a story seen like that.

In short: Each of these games is a separate series of games


As you described it, there's no game. No one explains the whole world to you. Sword and shield show you the Galar region. Lets go will show you the Kanto region. But there's no huge summary of all Pokemon, regions, characters, stories and events.


You don't really need any previous knowledge for a single Pokemon game.

I played the sword myself and… It was okay. But really nothing outstanding. The game seems so empty. In the cities there's often not much going on, the routes are short and… I don't know, everything is just so empty.

The story is also really slack. If you want a game with a story, you really should go with Rescue Team DX. This is the remake of Team Red / Blue that appeared around 2005/06 for the GBA and DS, the very first Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games.

The main story hasn't changed at all, but a lot different. And the game design is really lovely. Maybe a bit dreamy.
And the music… The music is just great! Worthy new editions of the old OSTs, for the Himmelsturm I would have wished for something that would have been more epic. But that wasn't bad either.

And the first two Mystery Dungeon parts (team red / blue and the exploration teams) are known for how much content they have. That has not been lost. On the contrary. It's gotten even more.

If you really want a game that already follows the classic principle of arenas and Pokemon league, take one of the Let's Go games. They're really cool too. But sword and shield… Well, it's not really something without an expansion pass and the expansion passes do not solve the problems I have with the game. Have started the game since release day and never started the post story. That means I didn't even catch the legendary Pokemon because I just didn't care anymore.