Will old games become much more expensive over time?

- in Nintendo

I'm currently 12 years old and giant fan old games (mostly nintendo) but since I'm 12 and still can't make real money, I wanted to ask if old games (N64, Gamecube, etc…) will be much more expensive because when I grow up I just want to have all the old consoles (sounds a bit impossible, I know) but since I can't make any money right now and rarely come to money and well as a collection like Nintendrew would be quite fancy I'm glad about every answer


The original hardware and games are becoming more expensive, but emulators or retro versions of the kosols or games are getting better and more likely.


So mostly it is like this:

Old good games are usually just as expensive or even more expensive than new ones.

Old bad / unknown games are not that expensive but they cost a bit.


Since they are no longer produced, of course, increases the collector value. So old Nintendo games and consoles will increase in price.


You are more likely? How can something be likely?


The fact that Nintendo is releasing a retro-reissue becomes more and more likely as time goes on. Just as there are currently for the NES: https://www.nintendo.com/...s-classic/




So, for example, in 10 years the price will increase by 15%, for example?


An exact percentage can't be mentioned, but usually yes, the prices will eventually rise VERY again.

For example, the Wii is currently in the basement in terms of price, and the GCN is already on the rise again 😊