Competition e.g. Console war?

- in Nintendo

There's always competition and somehow every "party" wants to stand out from the others. But which example I wanted to call Vorallem to start here no blatant discussion. Is the so-called "console war". I'm especially interested in fanbases. I'm always neutral. I grew up with PlayStation and could always sit down with somebody who grew up with Xbox as long as you can talk about it constructively and just about normal. In addition, without Nintendo it is boring. I still love to play Mario, Pokémon, Metroid… But what I'm talking about is actually the people in social media starting with a Ps4 or Xbox game or something like "Ps4 is better" or "Xbox is better". Then come the "PC is better than anything else!" xD I'm completely neutral. There are 1-2 games I play on the PC and that's it. I'm just a console player but as I said these trolls or people who really mean it or provoke each other. It is really sad. I e.g. I'm always open to constructive discussions but this kindergarten does not matter if it's an Xbox fan or PS fan or whatever. I would never join someone who just desperately and convulsively tries to better portray his fanbase. If called before and disadvantages without any stupid statements that do not fit the context, it's okay. But well, I'm just like a waterfall. I would just be happy to talk about it normally. I mean without trolls or something like that would be boring again but here I just hope that some people comment on that can't be triggers or similar. Well, I'm curious.


So again this tricky topic… So from my point of view I'm neutral, although I have an Xbox I do not despise the PS4 or the PC player.

It's just unnecessary and childish to argue about different gaming platforms as we're all gamer…

But we can quietly part with campers, I hope everyone agrees.

In short… I hope Crossplay comes in for everyone and then we do not have to fight anymore.


Is an interesting question, which I have often asked myself. There's something psychological about it.

I have been reading questions about gaming and consoles for several years. A key point is: The console players do not fight each other, they tease more. Writing stuff like "XBox is best", "PS4 FTW" etc.

Anyone who is always in the right mood here are the PC players. Hardly a console-related issue here, not under which any PC player "buy a PC" or "consoles are garbage" is underwriting. And the question does not even have to do anything with PCs, it's Only "Should I buy the game XY for PS4 or XBox?"

I'm an avowed console player, yet I always try to stay neutral, and when I write things to pro-consoles, I always write that this is my personal opinion. Would never come up with the idea to spread my personal opinion so penetrating, while also writing so many wrong things. I just do not understand the motivation of these people.

Against arguments why consoles have absolutely their raison d'être, these people are immune. Nevertheless, I often feel compelled to correct, since the questioner yes deserve objective answers.

Incidentally, own a PS4 Pro and a gaming PC of the upper middle class, so it can report from first hand on the respective pros and cons. For many console haters, I assume that they have never really broken up with consoles or played longer.

Anyway, that would be an interesting subject for a doctoral thesis if anyone here studies psychology. In any case, I've never been able to explain why (some) PC players have such hatred and contempt for console players.


PC Master Race * cough *

To be honest, most consoles seem deadly boring. After all, they can't do any better than a PC. Previously, you could argue with the Plug & Play feature or the Couch Coop what are valid arguments for a console. Unfortunately, more and more developers are rejecting such concepts for online features that cost extra on the console.

I'm glad at the point that Nintendo with the switch and their hybrid design because once fresh wind has brought in and I like the switch a lot. In addition to my PC the only platform on which I still play games.

At the end of a discussion about the console war I always say that you should play on the platform where it is the most fun.


PC Master Race * cough *

To be honest, most consoles seem deadly boring. After all, they can't do any better than a PC.

For the record.


Great reply. Yes, it's true that they are also teasing but many overdo it and start insulting etc. There's nothing that does not exist and on the PC I have to say honestly that I did not grow up with games and therefore shooters, Sports games etc. On PC Very unusual for me. That does not mean in reverse that I would rush and say PC is garbage or so honest but as you say. Many PC players devaluate the consoles apparently have not really sat more than 1 day or have gone directly negative. To say PC is better than consoles is always much too much Generalized… There are a variety of PCs. From office to gaming etc. I can understand people who only need their PC. In the sense that they can do nothing with consoles. And vice versa. Each his own.


True crossplay would be interesting!


I agree


Windows - Microsoft Xbox - Microsoft. I think PS allies with Nintendo (i r o n i e) Nintendo will forgive them because back then. Hope you know what I mean xD The history of the birth of the PlayStation is very very interesting haha.


The fans have to talk their platform so well and the "enemy" just bad. If you can only have one platform, this must be the better one. How could it be that one pays ~ 500 euro to see that the others might be nice too?

It's just a naive, jealous, pubescent thing.

Objectively, they all have their advantages and disadvantages.


But I'll honestly get the Ps5. But not right at the beginning if she is going to cost over 500 or so + just felt 3 games out there are haha.


Yes, but in the end I live peacefully with my PS and at the same time have nothing against PC or Xbox and discuss constructively about it and you can also make a little joke as long as you do not exaggerate too much.

Nintendo, for example, I love anyway.


Yes, you.

But too many others can't live with it.

Best not to pay attention. People are looking for the conflict and see themselves in it also confirmed.


Clear all exploitation, right? XD

Consoles are not dead boring. I connect a lot with the PS, because I grew up with the first PS back then and just got used to the console. Have also played on an Xbox One CoD and found the controller even really not bad. But I just got used to the PS. The backward compatibility is also great with the Xbox One. On the PC game I only play 2 games and that's it. I just got used to consoles as I said. In my case it was PS and Nintendo (Ds, Wii, Switch).

Each his own.


Haha, of course, I know. I just see occasional comments in social media and (where is my popcorn xD) but ne quite honest it's kind of funny but sad at the same time.

If there were more peaceful people like us, the world would be kind of boring, I guess haha


It gets worse as well… IOS vs Android. Or as most people always say, "iPhone vs Android" xD does not want to open a second place here 🤭😂


I just think stupid that the manufacturers only want to make money and you even play online for the games for which you have already spent good money again monthly should pay.


I can understand. Since "my" PS supporters have always been very proud of Ps3, you do not have to pay online but for Xbox 360. I've never made fun of it. We have to pay today as well. 60 euro a year. Hm. Is not a little but it does not hurt. Bday rhythm if you know what I mean xD


Well the controller does not count. I play on the PC as well with controller and I can basically use any controller I want.

And consoles are very boring, not because of the games. They are just as much fun on the console as they are on the PC. They are boring because they can do nothing better (compared to the PC), except the purchase price. And the latter puts itself back into perspective as I need a PC anyway, it does not matter if I pay 400 euro for a graphics card or 400 euro for a PS4 Pro. In the end I can gamble and that's the main thing for me.

Incidentally, I also grew up with a PlayStation. Back in the 90s my eyes lit up how great it looked and with an input device that is also intended directly for video games. But in the 2000s I was playing PC and the switch was the first console that had an argument why I still wanted to play on a console that could do something my PC could not.