I was tricked into the competition?

- in PlayStation

I really ask for help! I was tricked into a competition where you can supposedly win a PS5. However, I googled the site normally and articles came out that it is a scam. I entered my phone number, address and email address, name, but not any bank details or anything else. I was called anonymously 4 minutes later, but the doorbell only rang for 1 second and they hung up immediately afterwards (I didn't answer). Then I got an email to verify my account. I didn't do that, there was a link to unsubscribe from the competition or remove participation data. I clicked on it and since then nothing came up and afterwards it said "Your participation data has been removed" To be on the safe side, I changed the password of my e-mail and all other e-mails from me too. What I can mention, I have given an e-mail that I created especially in case it is fraud or I have not registered anywhere with the e-mail. I created it in case I wanted to try something. I still have to worry that something can happen. What should I do? Because they also have my address, my place of residence…


There's little we can help, throw away cell phones and go to the police, they won't help either


Don't worry, not much will happen anymore. You might get spam e-mails or other advertising now, but no longer.


Your data is now being distributed diligently, you have landed in a pot and are now diligently spammed, both on the phone and by email.


Learning to use digital media would be a good start.

So now you have your address, well, you will soon be receiving a lot of advertising material.

Do you have your telephone number too? Very good, call centers that want to sell you something also want something to do. Jobs are attached to it.

You also have your email address on top. And you also confirm the e-mail address by clicking the "unsubscribe link", which actually only confirms that the e-mail address is real and that someone is actively using it.

You are the wet dream for every advertising company 👍👍👍

Your email inbox will never be the same again. Do you already deal with the SPAM filter. This will soon be the best thing about email.

Have fun on the Internet adventure


Okay thanks that calms me down! If necessary, I can just change my phone number, right?


Can't I just change my cell phone number?


Yes you can


I don't know my way around directly and, unfortunately, I'm naive about something like that… Couldn't I just delete the e-mail address? It is not my main email, I have specified one that I have created in case it is a fraud


Of course you can, depending on the email provider, you only need to delete your account. And the email address is "dead". And the advertiser is littered with undeliverable email notifications.


If an unknown number appears on the phone's display, pick it up, but do not start the call with "YES" or "YES-WHO-IS-DA". You run the risk of concluding a subscription where you hope for your "YES" as a telephone confirmation or a purchase offer. Getting out of there's only difficult with a lawyer and, if necessary, your own contribution from legal expenses insurance at the beginning of the lawsuit. This fee is also due for advice from a lawyer; without legal protection, 1 hour would take around 3000 euro.


But I did not accept. It would not have been possible because it really didn't even ring for 1 correct second.


Okay so I'll just delete the account and it's history?

However, they have my address… So my place of residence. There's nothing more to be done about it, is there?


For the e-mail yes, at your place of residence -> move or get married, and take the surname of the woman / man.


Wow Haha… Do you think people can stand on my doorstep? Or do we get things covered up in the mail from them?


3000 euro per hour 😂


Rather things that litter you. And with selling records, you very simply earn more than rummaging through front doors.

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Do you think I'll win? In Invention147