Am I wasting my lifetime?

- in Nintendo

Do not surprise my sister's account?

If I only count League of Legends and Runescape, the main accounts together are 350 days.

Yes, and I do not just play all the time on the computer, but surf on Youtube and watch, for example, series.

I did not just play the games. 5th 6th grade. I went to a full time school but I just played outside of school when I was not doing sports 3 times a week for 90 minutes. 4 Story, League of Legends, Dofus Wii Games… Playstation.

On the Playstation I have been playing Fifa for years where I play 30 games at least every weekend which is 8 hours, actually much more as I also play Division Rivals.

It started in elementary school with Playstation 1, where I had a few games like Digimon, Pokemon back then. Then Playstation 2 where I had a whole closet full (played through) to elementary school. Wii, the Wii U - countless games that did not fit in a pouch. All played through (several times). Did I play less on Playstation 3?

At the moment I'm playing Fifa Weekend league every day, doing weeklies and when I'm done with everything, I'm surfing on good question net or youtube?

I had no friends through school and never found any connection. Also not in clubs, boarding, sports clubs… I'm already unemployed for almost 2 years where I did nothing but gamble?

All in all, I sometimes go out with the dog, or just go shopping outside of school / work.

How should you find friends? I talked to women on the street and was just tied up, I was in the club three times in my life and everyone was in a tight group, but I still tried two young women / girls my age and it did not work out.

I want to change it but I do not know how.


As far as I can read that out, you give up pretty quickly and then you prefer with what you like the easiest, so the gambling.

In principle, there's nothing wrong with gambling, but you should keep it in moderation and that seems to have taken over.

If you want to establish contact with other people clubs are a good choice, but actually everything you are interested in it also makes it possible to make human contacts.

So if you like playing it would be a way for you to find in clans or similar connection, then it is to be considered, however, that such contacts usually take place only digitally, rarely personally. You can never rule out something like that.

In the end it depends on you how much desire you have and how strong your will is. If you prefer to throw in the towel (like when you get a basket from a woman) it will be difficult for you.

What would help you a lot would be to have a steady job, there you also get to know people and have a personal contact. You will usually make friendships with a work very rarely and very few, but at least you will come among people.

Ultimately it is not the question of "how" but a matter of will, it is not in vain "where there's a will, there's a way". If you want to change something and you're ready to do something for it then something will change, but if you are too comfortable and you prefer to stay in the familiar room then it will be difficult for you to make contact with other people.


What should you do because if you get a basket:-( It worked at c.a. 15 women already not. So direct address in the club once, otherwise street / city.

From the environment never?


If you really want to change, it would take patience, I would say. You also have to meet the right person to become friends with him / her or more.
So, luck would be better.
Do not give up, think positive and keep trying.
If one has found a "suitable" friend, one usually comes automatically into his group, whereby one relatively fast also has a larger circle of friends. As I said, it has to fit.
Another person who is good with everyone and with whom you understand each other well can get you talking and so on.

If you personally have no problem with it, I would meanwhile not study too much in there. Is a lot of head thing. So if you feel pressured to find friends without you really wanting to, I would just take my time and not take that too seriously. Everyone is different and if you do not feel bad, that's not a big problem either.
Otherwise I would try it with Discos + the appropriate amount of alcohol. This also makes you looser and makes it easier to address someone "correctly". If you have caught the right one that is also sympathetic to you, it goes by itself. Patience…

Is my opinion.
Lost time you certainly do not do in my view.


One should not approach with the expectation that it works immediately with every woman, the topic of love is a very complex and it just have to meet two people who understand each other well from the chemistry.

What you compared to women probably also reduces the chances is your long-term unemployment. Some may not believe that, but who is not worried about why and why? If someone is unemployed for a long time this usually has their reasons and unless it is due to health reasons, it usually comes down to laziness. And who likes to take on a partner who is probably too lazy to do anything and prefer to sit at home?

These are many insinuations, but unfortunately the first thoughts that you get when you meet a potential partner. To what extent that applies to you I can't judge, but put yourself in the position of your counterpart. There must be reasons for a basket, recognizing it yourself makes it much easier in life.

What I also can't judge, but is actually always a very important point in finding a partner, is the outer. A well-groomed appearance helps tremendously with the Dating, if that is not true, it will never come so far that you get to know the inner values of a person.

Just think about some reasons why you do not have a chance for women, you can judge that best yourself. You can also ask your sister for advice, she will also be able to tell you as a woman what women pay attention to the man and what is "dissuasive" with you towards women.

But what you can say beyond doubt is that your excessive gambling does not take a good picture of you, which you should possibly attack first. As soon as you spend less time in gambling and more time to live, then you will probably have first positive experiences for yourself.

Just as you describe it with your gambling, you could already speak of a gambling addiction, just go in and keep in mind what the gambling brings for you and how important this is for you. Maybe it is exactly what affects you so much, but that is something that can be "repaired".


Always think so, in 10,000 years nobody knows any more about our existence. No matter what we reach now, it will be completely irrelevant at the latest. If, at some point, the universe dies, it does not matter.

Consider, maybe you should care for your reproduction. Say do everything so that you get a female part. Then we're back to social standards, far beyond the upper perspective.


But you want to achieve something in your lifetime (I definitely want to have children)