Question about Animal Crossing New Horizons?

- in Nintendo

Hallihallo everyone:-)

Got a question about Animal Crossing New Horizons, which will be released in a few days (finally!).

Is the saved data saved on the respective switch on which you start / play the game or on the gamecard?

So it would e.g. B. Go if I started the game on my Switch Lite and then just plug the gamecard into my normal "stationary" switch to play on TV? Or do the saved data only refer to one console?

Maybe Nintendo has already taken a position on your part, but I didn't really follow it or notice it.

If anyone knows anything about my question, I would be very grateful to you:-)

Best wishes and a nice afternoon to all of you.


Animal crossing has no way of transferring storage data from one switch to another, as far as I know.

In addition, only 1 island can be played per switch, no matter how many accounts are on the switch and how many times you have the game.


I think if I understand correctly you will get a gamecard (i.e. Buy online or in a shop). I can only say from the 3DS that this is saved on the cardridge, but since it is saved on the switch per user, I'm not sure. You can ask at Nintendo. I'm sorry if that doesn't really help.


Many thanks for your response. Yes, will ask there once.


The game is saved on the switch. So it is unfortunately not possible to have multiple saves (through multiple gamecards) on one console.

That is why there's currently no data backup if the switch breaks. However, a cloud service is to be set up for this.