From Animal Crossing Pocket Camp to New Horizons?

- in Nintendo

I have played Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp for 2 weeks and am now a bit further than level 40. Yesterday I bought a Nintendo Switch with the Animal Crossing Bundle. Since I have really invested a lot of time in Pocket Camp, I would like to know if I can practically "pull" all my data from Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp to Animal Crossing: New Horizons so that the level, items, clothing, etc. Are retained.


No, because new horizons has no level in this sense. Pocket camp doesn't really have much to do with the right mainline games. It has completely different items. I think that new horizons is better, but you have to find that out for yourself.


It definitely won't work. How do you want to do that with the levels? There are no levels at new horizons


No, you can't. On the one hand, Pocket Camp is a pure mobile game and on the other hand, New Horizons does not have a level system. However, you can get exclusive items from Pocket Camp in New Horizons. You can find out how in the link:

By the way: If you link your Pocket Camp account to a Nintendo Account, the data will be retained, even if you have a new cell phone, for example.


The games have nothing to do with each other! So it doesn't work.