Have a question regarding the Nintendo Switch. Have recently read that the switch could bend in too much use in the dock due to the heat and it also runs the risk of overheating.
Can you do anything against it or is it in the nature of the switch that she has such problems?
What could you do, or what do you do to prevent overheating and possible bending? And she probably is that she could bend?
When I take her Mario Kart 8 out of the dock after three quarters of an hour, she is already incredibly hot. Would that be daily / permanently harmless to the console?
The switch also loads constantly in the dock, which may not be good for the battery. And make the effort and always the charging cable in and out I do not necessarily want. Can something be done there?
I'm grateful for every answer.
LG and have a nice evening.
Header with switch. Just turn off the switch. Ensure good ventilation. So do not put in the sun.
And do not let go of the whiners on the Internet. Until the switch is in the Popo, it is traded used for a hundred.