Exchange MicroSD card without data / loss of game status?

- in Nintendo

Hi, I currently have a 32GB microSD card installed in my Nintendo Switch.

But it is slowly overcrowded, so I'm now buying a 200GB card.

Not all games are installed on the SD card, but my question: If I exchange the cards, will the game data be lost? Reinstalling the software would not be a problem for me, I just care about the scores, whether they are preserved.


The current statuses are lost if they are on the map.

Copy the necessary data to the new card before inserting it.


I just see that the patch v10.0.0 added the possibility to move the data on the SD card to the Nintendo Switch memory, that would solve the problem, right?


Take the SD out and copy the content onto a new card that has been formatted the same way. For security reasons, do not delete the old card.


If the memory is large enough, yes.


All right, thanks for quick reply!


This is wrong on the nintendo switch, the saves land in the system memory and not on the SD card


The switch saves are on the system memory and not on the SD card. If you put in another SD card you have to download the games again. Or even better, simply copy the data on the SD card over to the new one. The scores are not lost in either case