Can I play Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe from a distance?

- in Nintendo

I will most likely pick up a Nintendo Switch with any game after the fasting month. I asked a friend what she was playing. She said Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. And the problem is that we don't know whether we can play together over a distance (Germany to Austria) 😕

Can someone help me?


Yes you can play online together.

but it costs something.


If you both have Nintendo Switch Online, you can play together (unfortunately only in local mode, if you meet properly)


Do both have to pay then?

And how much does it cost?


If you want to play together, you both have to have the game. In addition, both must have completed Nintendo Switch Online.

If this is the case?

ps: Nintendo Switch Online costs around 20 euro a year and both Nintendo Switch Online must be completed.


About 20 euro a year and everyone has to pay that


Okay, thank you, I'm writing to her.