Nintendo ds embarrassing?

- in Nintendo

Is it embarrassing to buy and play this in 2020? And what's the latest besides switch

I'm 19 and male


I don't find that embarrassing at all, I think the nintendo 2 ds is the newest


A Nintendo DS is not embarrassing. If you like the games you can buy one. But I would recommend the rather new Nintendo 2ds / 3ds XL, because you can also play 3ds games there and also DS games.


Is it embarrassing to buy and play this in 2020?

It depends on whom you ask and what their preferences are.

Almost everyone can answer hans here on the Internet. Rather ask the people whose opinion is really important to you.

The Switch is the newest Komsole. The Switch Lite is newer, but just a lite version without TV support.


I loved playing Nintendo 64. Doesn't matter to me whoever is embarrassed because it's the hottest console ever! And you shouldn't care what others think about your preferences.

The latest is nintendo 3DS and Switch


If you're 19 and still worry about other people's opinions, especially idiots, then you have to learn to grow up.

Buy what you want and what you want. If the girl doesn't want you because you gamble or play with a stupid little thing in her hand instead of crouching on your smartphone like everyone else, she's not worth it either.

If your friends laugh at you, they are not friends.

Sometimes it's hard to do, I know.