Cleaning the outside of Super Nintendo games?

- in Nintendo

I have a lot of Super Nintendo games where the case is dirty or yellowed. How do I best clean / clean them? I have already cleaned the contacts with alcohol.

Unfortunately, you can't see it so well in the picture.

Cleaning the outside of Super Nintendo games

I would take wet kitchen roll with detergent

You don't get a regression


Fading in the sun helps. There are also processes like Retrobright, which are chemical. That mostly helps. In the worst case, just try with bleach.


You won't get yellowing cleaned. Would sand it away with very fine sandpaper and then polish it back with plastic polish. The whole game, of course… Otherwise you can see differences.

Cut out the sticker and imprint on the back, of course.


Great thank you. Then I try to sell them like this. The other sounds like a lot of effort.


Is it also… More for the collector's display case. You can simply wipe off superficial dirt. Shouldn't affect sales value either… As long as the game is running…