Does a humidifier damage electronics?

- in PlayStation

I want to get a humidifier or something like that because my room is very dusty and I have the feeling that the air is generally very dry.

But now I have a lot of electronics in the room (TV, PS4, PC, monitors). Can higher humidity in the room cause damage to electronic devices?


As long as the moisture does not condense: No, no harm. To the extent that fog is created, a humidifier shouldn't work.


Have you ever heard of ventilation?

First would measure the humidity.

Otherwise, the humidifier should not cause any problems, simply do not place it directly next to electronic devices but continue to distribute it and that's it.


I air 3-4 times a day. I thought I would measure myself with the humidity.


Okay then it can't be yours ^^


All right, thanks for the answer.


As long as you don't set the device extremely high, and ideally set it up as far away from the electronics as possible, that shouldn't be a problem.
Your PC won't break on a humid summer day either.


That is true about the sultry summer day.


If he only slightly humidifies the air, it's even better. Because then there's no risk of static charging:-)

if you put the part on amazon, of course, that's nothing good nothing…


Well, yes… If you ventilate more often in cold weather and then heat the room up again, the absolute humidity in the room tends to decrease.


As long as it doesn't rain in your apartment afterwards, that's no problem.
Unless you're making chips in your apartment.
Their structures are so close together that they can lead to undesirable effects.

Circuit boards in TV sets, computers… Are coated with paint anyway, and the circuits are packed in housings. Where should air humidity act there?


Well, I just thought that moisture would creep in everywhere.


I didn't plan on the Amazon now either.


Oh well, ventilating and heating immediately afterwards is exactly what I do hehe


It can happen, but this moisture is like completely clean water and electricity does not conduct it.