Better internet transmission with new LAN cable?

- in PlayStation

On my PlayStation 4 I have an upload of almost always under one MB / s and a download that varies, sometimes it's 90 Mb / s (very rare) and that varies down to sometimes 25 Mb / s. We have a 125k line from Unitymedia, now Vodafone. When I connect to the Wi-Fi without a cable, I have a maximum of downloads of 20 Mb / s and uploads of up to 3 Mb / s. Why is the upload with the Wi-Fi connection better than with the cable if the router is one floor under my room.

The second question is whether the bad and widely varying values of the cable are due to the fact that it is too old. I definitely have it at least 6-7 years and I don't know what kind of cable it is. Is it worth upgrading? Can I expect better values then?


A new cable can never hurt - especially if it is already old.

There should be several labels on the cable, including "CAT" followed by a number. This number should not be less than 5 in current networks.

I would also spontaneously tap that the problem stems from that.

Of course, something like a defective network adapter in the Playstation would also be an option, but rather unlikely


125k? Do you think mbit / s? 125k would be a real stone age ;-)

There are many factors. So always test on the same device and once with a cable (in this case you should use at least Cat5e) and once with WLAN and then try it out as quickly as possible and repeat the tests at different times. Then you can narrow it down a bit.

Often the adapter settings are totally messed up, if the adapter is set to 10mbit for cable, you will not get anywhere. Other software can also spark in there, e.g. Only filter LAN (I mean cable) or something.


Thank you


Thank you