Constant disconnects while I play online. Solution?

- in PlayStation

As mentioned in the headline, I have disconnects at different intervals when I play online. Time after 5 minutes, sometimes after 30. Works on the PC. My guess is that the new router is to blame (Telekom Speedport W 925V). The PS4 is connected to a devolo box. Before I annoy the Telekom customer service, I prefer to ask first here.


Go on the PC in the network settings, then on your connection right click, then configure and then is above energy management and make the hoes weck.dass was the problem solution for me


On PC works, but not on the PS4. Does that solve the problem?


Then the devolo adapter has a wake


Pity that there are currently problems with gambling. Please test once the direct LAN connection to the PlayStation 4. So you can find out if it is the Devolo connection. Maybe something is disturbing the connection here. The Powerline technology can react in case of disturbances in the power supply. Thank you for a subsequent feedback. Surely we will find a solution together for you.


Thanks, I will try.


Very well. Gin us here like to know how it looks then with the connection.


Short update. I could not try it directly connected to the router, the last week was busy. But I have tried it with 2 different devolo boxes, with both the problem exists. Not always. Yesterday I could not play for 10 minutes. Today it has been running smoothly for an hour. Will probably try it tomorrow or Wednesday still on the router.

Greeting Nico.