Ps4 Youtube Videos cut off edges, how to fix?

- in PlayStation

I have a problem with the video output on Youtube on my PS4.

The problem is that every video is cut off at the edge so the edge is not displayed but like a kind of zoomed in.

My PS4 screen and that of the YouTube app on the PS4 are not cut off at the edge. So really only the videos are cut off at the edge.

Does anyone know why that is and how you can fix it?


It may be because you are using an old YT version and the version is not optimized for the PS4, as new Sony consoles have also been released. It can also be on your PS4 because your graphics card is broken or does not have the latest drivers.


In which target resolution do you want to upload your videos in YT with what quality and bitrate?


If the graphics processor of the PS4 were defective, you would not be able to see a picture accordingly.


Well, it could be that certain parts of the PS4 are broken, but the games don't need YT


Like Paroto92, I see absolutely no connection to the hardware here.


I speak from my own experience, had the same time, only a new graphics card helped me… I could still play all the titles, just not watch YT


We're talking about a console and not a PC. There's no "graphics card" in the sense of a classic PC component.


A PS4 is a PC, so to speak, only with the PS4 operating system


No, absolutely not. All components are specially made in-house, there are no drivers like those on a PC, everything is integrated in the operating system. All the interfaces that are necessary on the PC to ensure broad compatibility between the components are omitted.


It wasn't about uploading videos but watching them. But was able to fix it


I was able to fix it. The problem was that deep in the settings of my TV Overscan was active when I deactivated it, Youtube was no longer zoomed in

PS4 screen cut off? sl sloppy9190
PC and equipment for streaming? Th Thinsecretary30