Why is my PS4 controller no longer working?

- in PlayStation

As I said in the question, my PS4 controller no longer works.

Earlier I gambled normally and everything worked perfectly. Then I left the house for a few hours and wanted to play another round when I got back in. However, the controller no longer turns on.

The controller is not yet old (2 months in possession) and in top condition (not even dropped or damaged in any other way).

It can't be due to the controller's battery, since it was last fully charged. I have already reset the PS4 controller, but nothing has changed. Then I connected it to the PS4 with a cable and pressed the PS button, although nothing happened. If the controller is attached to the charging cable, the indicator light does not light up.

Is the controller completely in A **** or are there any possible suggestions for how to get the controller running or what the problem is?


Just ask him kindly.


I already have, but he didn't react to it 🤷♂️


Maybe a loose contact.

New does not necessarily mean that there can be no mistakes